Thursday, 26 August 2010

Six of Better, Half a Dozen of Worse

The money on my decorating card has now come through. Hooray.

On the downside, the DWP continue to be atrocious. I genuinely do not understand how they expect people to live when they are made of such complete and utter fail. So, a few weeks ago my medical certificate expired. I was in Wales at the time but as soon as I got back I saw my GP and sent off the replacement. Whilst I was sending that I decided to be helpful, and send off my new address too - thus saving both me and the DWP time and paper. The form I have to send certificates to them includes a bit for "any other things you need to update us on", so I figured it was the appropriate point to do so.

Over a week passes and I still have no money. I've accounted for slow postage and slow bank transfer but it should still be here by now. So I phone up, and talk to a very apologetic civil servant who explains that because I've changed my address I have to fill out a form (which they're posting to me today) and send that back to change my address. Fair enough, I understand the need to have the regular forms done. However...I don't get any money until I've done that. So I have now not been paid for 5 weeks. Let's be honest, I don't exactly get a lot of money when it does come through. But nothing for over a month? That's not on.

My parents have now had to bail me out twice, I've got debtors ringing me multiple times a day, and oh by the way my disability doesn't just magically disappear when bad things happen. Funnily enough, it tends to get worse.

Deep breaths. Now to go and get money from the council for housing and council tax benefit. Then I ought to start thinking about painting.

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